558 images Created 16 Sep 2019
September 13th Opening Day
Registration Opens Alcove EAGLE COUNCIL XLVIII OPENS2:00 p.m.Welcome — Hon. Helen Marie Taylor, Chairman; Ed Martin, Salons A-D President;John Schlafly, TreasurerSpecial TribuTeTo Dr. ralph reeD — Gary Marx, Madison Strategies Presentation of Phyllis Schlafly Award for Excellence in Leadership to Dr. Ralph Reed — Ed Martin,John Schlafly2:15 p.m.TurningouTThe chriSTian VoTein 2020 — Dr. Ralph Reed, Faith & Freedom Coalition3:00 p.m. FreeDomanD FenceS — Dr. Everett Piper, author and educator3:30 p.m. hoW Trump maDe america’S economy number one— Stephen Moore, Heritage Foundation4:00 p.m. break4:30 p.m. you carrieD me: a DaughTer’S memoir— Melissa Ohden, Abortion Survivors Network5:00 p.m. reScuing our chilDren - anD our naTion — Alex Newman, Author and Journalist5:30 p.m. Social meDiain Trump’S america — Carpe Donktum, memesmith, Jack Posobiec,One America News, Scott Presler, #ThePersistence6:00 p.m. FreeDomoF Speech unDer aTTack — Pamela Geller, American Freedom Defense Initiative6:30 p.m. recepTionwithKris Kobach Grand Ballroom Foyer7:00 p.m. maj. general john k. (jack) Singlaub DinnerSalons E-H keynoTe aDDreSS by Kris KobachPresentation of Eagle Award to Ambassador László Szabó on behalf of Prime Minister Viktor Orbán of Hungary by Polish MEP-elect Dominik Tarczyński and Ted MallochRecognition of Debra Satterfield, daughter of Major Gen. John K. (Jack) SinglaubPresentation of Major General John K. (Jack) Singlaub Award for Service to America to Staff Sergeant David Bellavia remarkS by Staff Sergeant David BellaviaRecognition of Ned and Joan PfeiferreciTaTionoF phylliS SchlaFly’S aDDreSSTo eagle council 2001 — Madeleine Castle